Sunday, July 31, 2022

Explain About Internet

         Explain About Internet

The Internet

What Is Internet?

The Internet is defined as a network of network in which users can get information from any other computer in the network, if they have permission. In other words the internet is a public cooperative, and self-sustain facility accessible to million of people. World wide services provided by the internet are World wide web(WWW), file transfer(FTP), email(SMIP, POP), vision conferencing, Telnet, file sharing, Internet relay chat, IP Telephone and IPTV.

What Is Internet

The Internet has no single unified administration in either mechanical execution or arrangements for access and use; every constituent organization sets its own approaches. The overextending meanings of the two chief name spaces in the Internet, the Internet Protocol address (IP address) space and the Domain Name System (DNS), are coordinated by a maintainer association, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The specialized supporting and normalization of the center conventions is an action of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a non-benefit association of inexactly subsidiary worldwide members that anybody might connect with by contributing specialized skill. In November 2006, the Internet was remembered for USA Today's rundown of New Seven Wonders.

History of Internet

The u.s Department of defence laid the foundation of the internet with a network called "ARPANET". However, the general public did not use the Internet much until after the development of the world wide web in the early 1990s. In 1957, u.s government formed the Advanced Research Project Agency(ARPA), a segment of the department of defence charged with ensuring u.s leadership in science and technology with military applications in 1969, ARPA established ARPANET, the foreigner of the Internet. ARPANET  was a network that connected major computers at the universities and other educational and research institute later.

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