Basic things You Might Want to Know About ICT
Computer generations
1st Generation- Vacuum Tubs
2nd Gen- transistors
3rd Gen- Integrated circuits
4th Gen-microprocessors
ENIAC is a 1st generation computer. Invented by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. ENIAC was the fastest computational device of its time. It use large number of vacuum tubes, capacitors.
World 1st computer programmer- Ada Lovelace
Stored program concept- John Von Neumann
What is Analytical Engine?
Invented by Charles Babbage. This analytical engine is introduced number of computing concept still in use today. And also this is the world's first general-purpose computer.
Main Parts in computer
CPU (Central processing unit) is the brain of the computer.
When the CPU is speed, your computer can work fast. CPU controls the actions of the computer including calculations and processing of Data.
Ram(random access memory) This is a volatile memory. That means when it has no power data is lose. The amount of RAM is important for the computer. Some applications are need more RAM. You can read and write RAM. But all are temporally.
There are 2 types of RAM:
ROM(Read only memory) is a non-volatile memory. When power is off data is stored in ROM pretendedly. In ROM user can only read data not written.
Hard Drive
A computer hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile data storage device. Non-volatile refers to storage devices that maintain stored data when turned off. All computers need a storage device, and HDDs are just one example of a type of storage device. In here data stored in magnetic plater.
Power Supply
The power supply unit in a computer converts the power from the wall outlet to the type of power needed by the computer. It sends power through cables to the motherboard and other components.
Cache Memory
Purpose is accelerate (speed) computer while keeping the price of the computer low. This is located in between CPU and Main memory. Cache memory is the fastest system memory in computer.
Virtual Memory
Virtual memory is important for improving system performance, multitasking and using large programs.
Video Card (Graphic Card)
The video card is responsible for what you see on the monitor. Most computers have a GPU (graphics processing unit) built into the motherboard instead of having a separate video card. If you like playing graphics-intensive games, you can add a faster video card to one of the expansion slots to get better performance.
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